Vital Statistics | ||
Name | Marcus Taylor | |
Birthdate | 16-Feb-1977 | |
Height | 5'8" | |
Weight | 165 lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Hazel/Green | |
Marital Status | Single | |
Location | Plano, TX |
General Information | ||
Secondary Education | ||
Howe High School Howe, TX |
Post-Secondary Education | ||
University of Texas Austin, TX |
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science :: December, 1999 | |
Employer | ||
Nortel Networks Richardson, TX |
GPRS Core Networks Global Product Support Asia/Pacific Market |
Bio | ||
Well, where should I start? I grew up in a small town named Howe, TX. The 1980 Census put Howe at a population of 2080 people. The livestock population was probably at least twice as large. Howe was a good place to grow up. It was a quiet town, and everybody knows your name. Of course, that also means that everybody knows your business. My parents are Harold, Jr. and Donna Taylor of Howe, TX. I've found that you don't really appreciate all of the things that your parents do, until you're old enough to look back and think about where you might have ended up without them. My dad raised me with a firm hand. When I was younger, I thought he was just plain mean! Now, I realize that he instilled discipline and character that help me to be a good and moral person, and to make the right decisions in life. My mom always made sure that I made it to football and soccer practice on time. She always made sure I did my homework. She was always there to cheer me on if I scored a touchdown, and praise me if I made good grades. She was also the first person to scold me if I didn't perform as well as I was capable of performing. Now I realize that she gave me the motivation and encouragement that I needed to achieve my goals. My siblings are Tina Taylor of Allen, TX and Harold Taylor, III of Sherman, TX. In a lot of ways, they paved the way for me and made my "growing up" a lot easier. Since we lived in a small town, everyone knew my brother and sister, and therefore everyone knew me. Most of the time that was a good thing. Also, since I got to watch them grow up first, I learned what to do, what not to do, and more importantly... how to not get caught! I've had a lot of good times in my twenty-something years on this rock. My family has been the biggest contributor to those good times. I've enjoyed playing soccer or football or Wahoo! with my cousins. I've enjoyed family vacations to Carlsbad Caverns... White Sands, New Mexico... Niagara Falls... DisneyWorld... the Grand Canyon... Mexico... Canada... and lots of places in between. My parents paid for me to go to Europe on a 16 day tour, and to summer school at Harvard, and my sister went with me to Hawaii (and she even picked up a large part of the tab!). I've had some great friends, too. My friend Jimmy went with me on the trip to Europe, and when we get together, we still laugh about the good times we had on that trip. Most of the 60+ guys and girls that graduated from high school with me had been my classmates for the entire journey starting in Kindergarten. And then I got to go to college at UT with about 48,000 of my closest friends! Now, I just enjoy life one day at a time. Sure, I've been single for longer than I care to admit... but sometimes I think it suits me. I can come and go as I please, I can buy toys for myself without having to buy anything for anyone else, and I don't have to worry about anyone else invading my "personal space". Most of my days (and some of my nights) are filled with work, but when I'm not working I enjoy travelling. I've found that I have a preference for tropical locales (e.g., Hawaii and Cancun). But most importantly, I just enjoy seeing some place that I've never seen before and being some place that I've never been before. Over the past couple of years, I've acquired an interest in auto racing. It's an expensive hobby, but it's quite a thrill. On the weekends, sunny days find me out by the pool playing volleyball or just catching rays and checking out cute girls. Rainy days find me working in the garage, or sitting in front of the PC, working on my web page, or surfing the web looking for more info about cars and racing. So there you have it. More than you ever cared to know about... Me! |